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Forklift Truck Accident Claim

A company is due to pay £75,000 after one of its forklift trucks overturned in an accident, causing the death of the driver in an accident at work.









Roofing Company Fined For Health And Safety Breach

The roofing services company has been fined £50,000 plus costs due to the Health and Safety breaches, which led to the tragic event. A second company involved is being fined £17,500 plus £12,000 in costs for its role in the fatal accident.

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Employee Killed Whilst Manoeuvring A Forklift Truck

The employee was killed while he was manoeuvring a forklift truck, that he had not been trained to use, in order to help him dismantle a fire test rig.

A Health and Safety Executive inspector, says she hopes employers will learn to improve their policies after this case. She describes the death as avoidable if the businesses had taken sufficient precautions in confirming their workers’ training.

Have You Been Involved In An Accident At Work?

If you have been involved in an accident at work then you could be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. Contact our team of personal injury lawyers on the telephone number above or complete our initial online claim form so that we may discuss your potential case in more detail and advise accordingly, in confidence.

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