I Slipped In A Supermarket, Can I Claim?

Supermarket Slip, Trip And Fall Claims

Slip and fall accidents can result in various injuries, ranging from some minor bruising to head injuries or arm breaks. If you have been injured due to an accident in a supermarket, you may feel unsure about how to procedure and about what your rights are. If you have been slipped and fallen in a supermarket due to the negligence of the supermarket employees or owners, you may be able to claim compensation.

To determine whether or not an accident may be the fault of the supermarket owners/staff, you must remember that all supermarkets have a duty of care towards their customers. They are obligated to ensure that the supermarket premises are free of any hazards that could potentially injure customers or other employees.

Supermarkets should ensure that protect their workers and customers by undertaking certain measures. These measures include:

  • Mopping up liquid spills immediately.
  • Putting up an easily visible hazard warning sign when there is a potential danger – such as a wet floor sign.
  • Cleaning up any litter, wrappers, food or any other items on the floor as soon as possible.

If a supermarket has failed to keep their premises safe from hazards by cleaning up such dangers, then you may be able to claim for compensation after an accident.

Steps To Take

If you have slipped and fallen in a supermarket and it is possible to prove that the incident was caused by the negligence of the staff/owners, then you could claim. However, for your claim to be successful you will need evidence. If possible, you should take photographs which can highlight the accident scene.

For example, if you fell over because of a wet floor, you should take photographs which highlight that there wasn’t a sign indicating that the floor was wet. Similarly, if you have any visible injuries, such as bruising caused by the accident, you should try and take photographs of these injuries.

You should also get the contact details of any witnesses so that they can be called upon later to give statements. You should also write down your own account of what happened as soon as you can. This account should be written in as much detail as possible so that you do not forget any crucial events.

Amount of Compensation

Compensation is decided on a case by case basis, taking into account the severity of the injuries and the impact that these injuries have had upon the sufferer. The pain and suffering causes by your injuries will first be taken into, as will the impact of the injuries upon your ability to function. For example, if you can no longer complete certain tasks as you would have done before, or if the incident has impacted upon your mental health, then this could be accounted for through compensation.

Compensation will also take financial costs into account. If you have had to pay for treatment or have lost income due to being unable to work, then compensation may be able to account for these financial losses. To view general compensation estimates for injury types, visit our compensation calculator.