Injured Whilst At Booths?

Our experts can help you claim compensation today!

Personal injury/Supermarket accidents/Claims against Booths

Claims against Booths

Are you a customer or an employee at a store? If you have had an accident in the warehouse or store in the past three years then you could be entitled to compensation. Talk to us and find out if you could make a claim today.

Our experienced team are ready to help you. Call us today on 0800 808 9740 or make an online enquiry via this website.

Make a claim

  • "I am grateful and thankful for the work done to reach settlement, and I would like to say a big thankyou to Emma Hughes for always keeping me upto date with my case and giving me helpful advice when confused about certain aspects of my case."

    Amar from Brough

Claims against Booths

At First Personal Injury, our personal injury solicitors can help you claim compensation if you have been injured at a store.

We have been successful in obtaining compensation for many of our clients who have suffered as a result of an accident that has occurred in a supermarket or in a warehouse.

If you have suffered an accident whilst visiting or working at a store, contact us and one of our team will discuss the circumstances that lead to your injury and will be able to advise you as to whether you have a claim

Types of store and warehouse injuries

Some of the common ways injuries are sustained by staff and customers can include, but are not limited to:

  • Food health and hygiene injuries
  • Kitchen injuries through hot oil or equipment
  • Falls from ladders
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals
  • Falling objects from high storage
  • Slips, trips, or falls
  • Racking or storage injuries
  • Loose wiring
  • Accidents involving escalators
  • Car park injuries

How does the claims process work?

At First Personal Injury, once we have carried out an initial consultation, we will take care of the paperwork required to get your case underway.

A letter will be sent to you following an initial consultation with your solicitor. This will be a summary of the discussion you had and will confirm that they are happy to take on your case. It will highlight who will be your contact and estimate how long the process will take. The letter will also detail how you will be funding the case and an estimate of costs. If you need to provide any further information this will also be included.

A letter will then be sent to the defendant, providing details of the accident. The defendant has a fixed period in which they can reply and in their reply, they must state whether or not they are denying or accepting liability for your injuries. If they do accept liability, your solicitor will endeavour to settle the case out of court.

What to do after an accident at Booths?

  • Most supermarkets will have an 'Accident Report Book' in their stores, so the incident should be reported there
  • Take photos of any injuries or hazards that caused the accident
  • Get the details of any witnesses to the accident.

Amount of compensation in claims against Booths

All personal injury cases are unique and so the amount of compensation that is awarded in each case is also unique. The amount of compensation that is awarded is determined by looking at two distinct factors general damages and special damages.

Damages-specgen (2).png

Claiming compensation

If you’ve had a personal injury you may be entitled to compensation. First Personal Injury solicitors will help assist your prospective claim. We’ll work hard on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.