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Personal Injury Compensation Claim For Concussion

Concussion is a very common injury that occurs after an accident where there is a blow to the head. If you have suffered a concussion as a result of a head injury, you could make a compensation claim if the fault of the accident lies with another party.

To learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0800 808 9740 or contact us online. 

Amount of Compensation

Compensation amounts depending upon the pain and suffering associated with your specific injury, its impact upon your ability to function as well as any additional financial losses that have occurred. For example, if you have had to pay for treatment or have had to take time off from work, incurring financial loss, then you may be able to make a claim for this through compensation. 

To find out how much compensation you are likely to be owed you should speak directly to a personal injury solicitor who can assess your case. Factors like pain, suffering and loss of function will be determined through a medical examination by a medical professional.

To find out more about compensation amounts for particular injuries, visit our compensation calculator.

You usually have three years from the date of your accident to make a personal injury claim. Therefore, you should contact a firm that specialises in personal injury as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to make a claim. 


While a concussion is fairly common it is also the least serious form of traumatic brain injury, usually occurring after a blow or jolt to the head. A concussion is essentially when an impact to the head causes shaking inside the brain or the skull which temporarily disrupts normal brain function. A loss of consciousness can occur, but this does not always happen.


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Types of Accidents

This type of injury can often occur following many different types of accidents but commonly a concussion will occur after: 

  • Accidents at work – such as falls from height
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Slips, trips or falls
  • Sports accidents – particularly rugby or other high contact sports

Concussion Symptoms

The major symptoms of concussion include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and slurred speech.  The individual suffering from concussion may get easily confused, as lack of concentration is also a common side effect of concussions. Short-term memory loss could also potentially occur. 

Making Personal Injury Claims

If you have developed an illness due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. First Personal Injury solicitors are available to assist you and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. 

First Personal Injury works with both families and individuals across England and Wales, leading them on their legal journey and helping them claim compensation after an accident or injury. 

To learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0800 808 9740 or contact us online. 

Explore: Personal Injury Resources 

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