Optician negligence?

£10,000 in compensation awarded for misdiagnosis of an eye condition

Medican Negligence / Optician

Optician negligence claims. Contact us, we are here to help you 0800 808 9740

The vast majority of optical professionals are skilled and experienced with most optician appointments going smoothly without problems or errors.

However, mistakes can happen and sometimes these result in you being affected for the rest of your life. If you have experienced a mistake made by an optician which has negatively impacted your life, you could be able to make a medical negligence claim against them.

To learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0800 808 9740 or contact us online.

Types of Optician Negligence Claims

Fundamentally speaking, if an optician fails to provide you with a reasonable standard of care and this has caused you harm in some way, you may have been the victim of negligence.

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  • "Capable, fast to respond and ultimately successful in completing the claim."

    Ian from Peterborough

There are a number of different kinds of basic medical negligence claims that can be applied to most medical fields. In some instances, these types of medical negligence can also apply to optician negligence claims, e.g:

  • A misdiagnosis of an eye condition which has resulted in the wrong kind of treatment being administered or advised by an optician e.g. prescribing the wrong prescription lenses for glasses or contact lenses
  • A failure to spot an eye condition which therefore goes untreated and causes more, sometimes irreversible, problems in the future
  • A mistake made during laser eye surgery
What Are The Effects Of Optician Mistakes And Errors?

The knock-on effects of mistakes and errors made by opticians can be both physical and psychological. Physical symptoms can include headaches and migraines, dry eyes, blurry and double vision and, in some cases, full or partial loss of sight. The psychological conditions which can result from impaired vision are feelings of depression and anxiety. Many enjoyable aspects of your life can come to a halt if there is a problem with your eyesight and you may no longer be able to carry on with the job you have.

Laser Eye Negligence Claims

Laser eye surgery can often be a very positive experience for many people. Although laser eye surgery is often sought as a positive alternative to having glasses or contact lenses, it is still an area from which personal injury claims can arise as a result of an eye specialist failing to perform their job correctly. As laser eye surgery becomes more and more popular, the level of mistakes that happen and a number of personal injury claims associated with it also increases. The effects of errors made during laser eye surgery can include dry eyes, eye infections, eye nerve damage and in worse cases, blindness.

How Will My Compensation Be Calculated?

When assessing your claim and determining the level of compensation you could receive, there are various different elements taken into consideration. The pain and suffering aspects of your injury will, first of all, be explored and the greater this is deemed to be, the greater the sum of your compensation amount. In addition, any loss of earnings that has occurred because of your eye problems will also be considered as well as any expenses you have had to pay for, for example, any medical treatment such as counselling. A personal injury lawyer will be able to provide you with an estimate of how much compensation for optician negligence you could be entitled to once they have more details about your circumstances.

Making An Optician Negligence Claim

Medical negligence claims, including optician negligence claims, can be complex areas of personal injury. Medical experts are often required to look into your case in more detail to establish the facts surrounding your injury or condition. At First Personal Injury we have work with dedicated teams of eye specialists who will be able to advise of your condition in relation to a compensation claim. We also have a broad depth of knowledge and experience when it comes to all kinds of clinical negligence claims and are adept at getting our clients the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to. We usually work on a no win, no fee basis and recommend arranging an initial consultation with one of our lawyers as soon as you can to assess the validity of your claim.

Nothing can replace your eyes or vision but if damage has occurred, a lump sum or regular payments can go towards alleviating some of the difficulties you could be facing. In some cases, our solicitors can also organise interim payments to be made until your compensation claim is settled.