Exposed to chemicals at work?

Woman awarded £16,380 for industrial dermatitis

Personal Injury / Industrial Illness & Occupational Disease

Industrial Injury and Diseases Compensation

Industrial accidents can cause serious injuries to workers. The accidents usually happen because the industrial jobs involve heavy equipment or machinery and manual handling. Common injuries include bruising, broken limbs and cuts.

Occupational illnesses are diseases and conditions imposed upon someone as a result of their working environment. These can be long-term illnesses like occupational lung cancer caused by continuing exposure to harmful fumes or minor dermatitis which has been caused by skin contact with toxic substances.

To learn more or to start your claim, get in touch with our expert team on 0800 808 9740 or contact us online.

Claiming Compensation For Industrial Injuries with First Personal Injury

At First Personal Injury we have built up a reputation across England and Wales as a result of our expert approach to personal injury claims. Working with members of the public who have had personal injuries, our solicitors continually exceed customer expectations. We help people to make industrial injury claims and claims arising from work-related illnesses and accidents.

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Employers And Occupational Illness

It should not be the case that employees are vulnerable to these types of disorders but unfortunately, there are a number of employers who do not maintain the health and safety standards required by law to protect employees.

Symptoms of occupational illnesses can be very serious while some can be mild. However, even the mildest of symptoms can prevent you from working and can develop into something more long-term.

If you or a family member has suffered as a result of an occupational illness then you have the right to make a claim for compensation.

Occupational Illness And Industrial Diseases Compensation Claims Types

Here at First Personal Injury, we deal with a wide range of claims types which have come about as a result of occupational illnesses. Here are just some of them:

Employers’ Responsibility For Preventing Occupational Illnesses

All employers have a duty of care to employees. They must protect their safety and health as much as is reasonably possible and make sure they follow Health and Safety guidelines.

Routine checks should be carried out by employers. These include risk assessments, checking the safety of all work equipment, ensuring adequate ventilation and rest breaks as well as making clear guidelines on wearing safety equipment e.g. goggles.

Personal Injury Claims For Occupational Illnesses

If you have suffered from any occupational illnesses and believe that your employer was at fault then you should contact a personal injury lawyer who specialises in occupational illnesses.

If you have been unable to work because of your illness and/or have been through any level of pain or suffering or had to pay for medical expenses, you should receive any loss of earning or other expenses back through your compensation settlement.

First Personal Injury has a dedicated team of injury lawyers who will be able to help you with your workplace compensation claim.

Call us on 0800 808 9740 or use our online injury claim form to get started.  We will take you through the injury claims process from start to finish once your case is accepted.  Usually, we will be able to work with you on a no win, no fee claims basis.